Providing diagnostic and treatment services for children birth-18 years
Offering office, home and school visits
Mon- Fri 8am - 5pm by appointment only
We treat
meet margo
Certified Speech-Language Pathologist
I received my Masters degree in Speech-Language Pathology from San Diego State University and am a North Carolina licensed Speech-Language Pathologist. I have a current certificate of clinical competence from the American Speech-Language Hearing Association (ASHA) and have 20 years of extensive experience in the evaluation and treatment of speech and language disorders.
I’m passionate about the field of Speech-Pathology and participate regularly in staying current with the latest research and best practices for evidence-based therapy. I received extensive training in the assessment and treatment of individuals with apraxia of speech and am highly experienced in treating this neurologically-based speech disorder. I also specialize in treatment of articulation and phonology, early language, stuttering, and social communication.


A full evaluation provides a comprehensive assessment of skills in many areas in order to identify current levels and identify your child’s strengths and weaknesses.

A brief look at skills helps to determine whether or not a full evaluation is warranted. The cost of screening does go toward the cost of an evaluation if deemed necessary.

Once a child’s needs have been determined, we will develop goals specific to your child and provide speech and language therapy to assist your child in meeting those goals. I aim to provide quality, family-centered therapy that works with your busy life and schedule. I am available for on-site visits for your convenience.
WHY speech therapy?
Early diagnosis and treatment for developmental delays increases the chances of improvement rather than “waiting it out” and treating problems later. Treating communication and language difficulties early may help prevent or minimize problems with behavior, learning, reading and social interaction.

A child’s speech and communication skills develop rapidly during the first years of life. The following are speech and language milestones that most children experience. Every child’s development is unique, however, if you are concerned, contact a Speech-Language Therapist for advice and/or screening.

1-2 years
• Points to body parts
• Understands simple directions
• Puts together two-word questions
• Uses many different consonants and vowels and consonant-vowel combinations (ex: baba, pup, baby)
2-3 years
• Understands simple opposites-up/down, stop/go, etc
• Listens to stories
• Uses 2-3 word phrases
• Speech is usually understood by familiar listeners
• May stutter on some words, but not be bothered by it names objects, asks “why?”
• Produces p, b, w, n, t, d, h, m, h + all vowel sounds

3-4 years
• Uses 3-4 word sentences
• Understands family words
• Talks about events/activities that happened away from home
• Speech is mostly understandable to an unfamiliar listener
• Asks “when” and “how” questions
• Answers simple wh-questions
• Uses pronouns correctly and some plurals
• Speaks without stuttering most of the time
• Produces p, b, m,n,t,d,h w, k, g, f, y sounds
4-5 years
• Follows complex instructions,
• Hears and understands most of what is said to and around them
• Produces all speech sounds, but may have intermittent errors on v, s, r, z, ch, sh, and th
• Names letters and numbers
• Tells short stories and maintains conversations

Information adapted from the American Speech Language Hearing Association
For more information on speech and language milestones – please visit
I am an out of network provider and your coverage will depend on your particular plan. Some insurance plans will cover the cost of the evaluation and/or therapy in part or full. Since I am not paneled with any individual insurance plans, you pay me directly at the time of service and you can submit for reimbursement from your insurance provider. It may be worthwhile to explore your insurance benefits that may cover a percentage of my fee. I encourage you to contact your provider directly. I will provide you with a superbill to submit on your own with all of the necessary information and coding.
Early diagnosis and treatment for developmental delays increase the chances of improvement rather than “waiting it out” and treating problems later. Treating communication and language difficulties early may help prevent or minimize problems with behavior, learning, reading and social interaction.
The purpose of a speech and language evaluation is to determine your child’s strengths and challenges related to a variety of areas of development. Parents may request an evaluation or you may be referred by a pediatrician or teacher after a developmental screening. While it varies per setting and/or concern, here’s what you can expect.
– Background and Developmental information via intake and caregiver interview.
– Play-based assessment and observation of the child. Initially, I will spend time talking and playing with your child to develop rapport, as well as gain insight into their functional communication.
– Standardized assessment of the area(s) of concern as well as oral motor assessment to observe the structures of the face and mouth at rest and while speaking.
– I will compile all of the information gathered from caregiver report, dynamic and standardized testing and summarize in a formal report. Based on the results, I will determine if therapy is warranted and if so, develop a plan for treatment, based on your child’s individual needs. Specific goals to target the areas of need and a time frame for doing so will be included in this report.
Contact us!
Offering office, home and school visits
Mon- Fri 8am – 5pm by appointment only
2109 Mirow Place,
Charlotte, NC 28270
2109 Mirow Place,
Charlotte, NC 28270